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PROJECT 1: Provide Bibles Freely

It is our primary goal to provide individuals with their own full-sized Bible, to read, to study, and to learn about the love of Jesus Christ. Bibles are scarce in Uganda. Many churches and orphanages share a single Bible. A Bible in the home environment is uncommon. We ship English Bibles directly to Uganda and purchase Bibles locally in Uganda, in local languages.
Bibles, Team LEE, Uganda
PROJECT 2: Provide Love and Kindness Freely and Consistently

Team LEE is committed to exhibiting The Love of Jesus through actions and behaviors. It is our hope that others may come to know HIM through our unwavering love and compassion. Our motto: Love = FREE; Share it!
Ashley Fuller, Team LEE, Love, Hug, Missionary, Uganda
Team LEE, Uganda, Emmanuel Oyet, Kindness
Team LEE, Gary Young, Uganda, Kindness, Love
PROJECT 3: Provide Access to Clean Water Sources

Team LEE completed a 2-year water well project in December of 2021. this deep well will serve many villagers in northern Uganda. We pray for God's guidance as we evaluate additional opportunities for establishing clean water access.
Water well, bore hole, Team LEE, clean water source, Uganda
Water Well, Team LEE, Uganda, Bore Hole, Village
PROJECT 4: Provide Support for Education

In September of 2016, Team LEE committed to pay school fees for 10 children living in Ugandan slums. Since then, God paved the way for Team LEE to pay school fees for adults and children living in remote Ugandan villages and slums surrounding Kampala. Our future goals include relocating children to schools with better education programs, developing youth programs and establishing better access to education for remote (village) children. 
WhatsApp Image 2019-12-25 at 7.00.13 AM.jpeg
PROJECT 5: Provide Adult and Adolescent Skills Training  

In efforts of developing life skills, self-worth, and independence, adult and adolescent skills training is one of our focus areas. Training is free to attendees and includes fellowship, parenting skills, agriculture, various crafting, and other topics requested by locals.

Team LEE, Ashley Fuller, Uganda
Team LEE, Missionary, Uganda
Team LEE, Emmanuel Oyet, Uganda
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